Right Triangles Unit Lesson Plan

  I constructed these lesson plans for a class titled Geometry Survey.  Geometry Survey is a geometry  class intended for struggling math students.  The same main concepts are taught as in regular geometry, but more time is given for students to master the material. The layout of this unit was constructed to go with Chapter 7 of the 2005 Glencoe Geometry textbook.  The daily lesson plans are meant to utilize a SMART Board.


7.1 - OMIT  
7.2 - Pythagorean Theorem (3days)
    Day 1
        - name parts of a right triangle
        - introduce Pythagorean Theorem
    Day 2
        - review using the Pythagorean Theorem
        - use the converse of the Pythagorean Theorem
    Day 3
        - review section
        - quiz
SMART Board file - 7.2 Day1+2
SMART Board file - 7.2 Day3
7.2 Worksheet
Quiz 7.2
7.3 - Special Right Triangles (3 days)
    Day 4
        - properties of 45,45,90 triangle
    Day 5
        - review 45,45,90 triangle
        - properties of a 30,60,90 triangle
    Day 6
        - review section
        - quiz
SMART Board file - 7.3 Day4+5
SMART Board file - 7.3 Day6
7.3 Worksheet
Quiz 7.3
7.4 - Trigonometry (5 days)
    Day 7
         - introduce SOH CAH TOA
         - write three ratios
         - solve trigonometric equation
    Day 8
        - write and solve trigonometric equations
    Day 9
        - introduce the inverse
        - find missing angle measures
    Day 10
        - use trigonometry to find missing sides
        - use trigonometry to find missing angles
    Day 11
        - solving a triangle
    Day 12
        - review all trigonometry
        - quiz
SMART Board file - 7.4 Day7-9
SMART Board file - 7.4 Day10+11
SMART Board file - 7.4 Day12
7.4 Worksheet #1
7.4 Worksheet #2
7.4 Worksheet #3
Quiz 7.4
7.5 - Angles of Elevation and Angles of Depression (2 days)
    Day 13
        - identifying angles of elevation and depression
        - solving problems involving angles of elevation
           and depression
    Day 14
        - review section
        - quiz
SMART Board file - 7.5 Day13
SMART Board file - 7.5 Day14
7.5 Worksheet
Quiz 7.5
Chapter Review and Test (2 days)
    Day 15
        - chapter review   

Day 16
        - chapter test
SMART Board file - Day15
Chapter 7 Review Sheet
Right Triangle BINGO
Chapter 7 Test